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Build Your Business With Personalised Videos
Personalised videos are an excellent way to introduce yourself and your brand to your audience, and can be very effective as part of your marketing strategy. Customers like to know what they are buying into, and a business that gives them the personal touch is much more likely to elicit repeat business and recommendations to … Continue reading Build Your Business With Personalised Videos

Using Sliders For A Professional Touch In Your Promotional Video
When you watch a film or promotional video, you may be impressed by the effects you are seeing without knowing exactly which shooting techniques have been used. When you’re considering making a video for your own business, however, some understanding of the possibilities available to you can help you to plan so that your video … Continue reading Using Sliders For A Professional Touch In Your Promotional Video

Why It’s a Bad Idea To Have An Autoplaying Video On Your Homepage
Autoplay is a clever concept, attempting to draw the viewer in and grab his or her attention without requiring user initiation of the video. However, although it may be a useful tool for advertising videos, such as those that often appear before popular content on YouTube, for example, autoplay may not be such a great … Continue reading Why It’s a Bad Idea To Have An Autoplaying Video On Your Homepage

Corporate Video Production: Consider Your Context
When you create a corporate video to promote your business, you want to ensure your conversion rate is as good as possible. However, focusing on increasing traffic or click-through rate without considering contextual design might be a big mistake. Ideally, you want the world to be talking about your video – for all the right … Continue reading Corporate Video Production: Consider Your Context

Correct Your Video Problems In Post Production
It’s a nightmare that has happened to most people at some point. You sit down to edit your video footage and discover that something has gone wrong during filming, and that what you’re looking at is not what you had hoped for! Many common mistakes are made during amateur video production, and the good news … Continue reading Correct Your Video Problems In Post Production

The Importance Of Audio
Promotional videos have become the best way to advertise across all online platforms, but video will only be good for your business if it is done right. If you produce and display videos that are poor quality, badly designed or difficult to watch, you will be putting off potential customers and giving a bad impression … Continue reading The Importance Of Audio

Promotional Video Success: How To Look Good On Screen
If you’re starring in a promotional video to share your business with the world, you’ll want to ensure that you’re looking your best in the final edit. If you’re not used to appearing in front of a camera, it’s a good idea to do a little research beforehand so that you don’t end up making … Continue reading Promotional Video Success: How To Look Good On Screen

How Your Video Can Benefit Your Business
Promotional videos are the best way to communicate with your customers online, surpassing every other advertising platform available. Whether you use your videos as part of your social media strategy, or you add them to your email marketing, you can build your brand and connect with potential new customers in a whole new way when … Continue reading How Your Video Can Benefit Your Business

Corporate Video: What Makes It Special?
Corporate video is a great way to introduce your business to the world, but the Internet is saturated with good video content, and it’s vital to make yours stand out from the rest. A professional video production company will work with you to capture the essence of your brand and to present your material in … Continue reading Corporate Video: What Makes It Special?

Developing Your Corporate Story
Video is, without a doubt, the best way to share your business with the world at the moment. It’s a contemporary format that can be used in many ways to connect you with your existing and potential customers, and here at AV3, we know how to create video that will set you apart from the … Continue reading Developing Your Corporate Story

Invest in Your Business With Video
When you’re running a business, it can be hard to be objective about the expenditure and outlay involved in promoting yourself and developing your brand. Some forms of advertising can seem expensive, or might not give you a good return on your money, but it is often difficult to work out where to invest your … Continue reading Invest in Your Business With Video

Promotional Video: How To Appeal to The Millennial Generation
The generations coming of age in the current climate of technological advances are a step ahead of everyone else when it comes to the ways in which they connect with businesses. Video is the most popular platform for millennials by a long way, and putting yourself and your business into their hands is only possible … Continue reading Promotional Video: How To Appeal to The Millennial Generation

Big Mistakes Businesses Make With Video
Video is fast becoming the most important worldwide platform for business promotion and marketing. Many smaller businesses have realized the importance of this, and are making use of the casual, chat style video tools available for free on social media sites. However, if you want to make video work for your business, and if you’re … Continue reading Big Mistakes Businesses Make With Video